Exit Planning Education

In conjunction with several companies, we have developed and offer a comprehensive educational platform on exit planning, including:

  • Over 500 educational components
  • Over 200 courses
  • Over 150 video
  • Areas of focus include exit planning, business valuation, financials for exit planning, owner readiness, business readiness, the Value Builder System, marketing and sales reviews, building advisory teams, exit planning execution, revenue growth strategies, improving revenue and profits, estate planning, wealth management, tax management and minimization, business selling concepts, steps to sell your business, how to buy a business, transitional planning, managing family-run businesses, information systems, key metrics, capturing critical knowledge, human capital management, time management, creating trust, and creating strong 2nd in commands.

The Exit Architect® Academy was created to provide an online, comprehensive library of information to help business owners learn more about the many steps that are required to successfully exit a business.

In order to create this collection of information, we collected content from a variety of sources including The Exit Planning Institute, The ValueBuilder System™ and The Exit Architect®.

Contact us today to see how we can create your own unique business transition educational program with The Exit Architect® Academy.