
Customer Testimonials

Where your satisfaction meets our ambition. Read what our customers have to say about their experience.

“Positive and Enjoyable Experience”

Richard Strautman worked with our company as both a peer-to-peer facilitator and a key person in structuring our management and ownership transition.

Richard’s advice and ideas were key to continued growth. Our involvement with Richard was always a positive and enjoyable experience and beneficial to our company.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Owner of a Plumbing Supply Company

“Very Prompt and Responsive”

I have also found Richard Strautman to be a very capable Facilitator and Consultant on a broad range of topics.  I have used his advice in personnel, sales management, business strategy, and marketing areas and have found him to be very prompt and responsive.  His advice has always been great, no matter what the issue or situation.  He is quick to come up with an answer to my questions and I really enjoy working with him.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Owner of an Energy Management Company

“Wealth of Experience”

Richard helped me take over a family business, reduced excessive overhead, developed new marketing programs and improved employee culture and accountability.

Richard has a wealth of expertise beyond these issues, including how to make a business more attractive to potential buyers and how to plan an exit strategy.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Owner of Investment Management Company

“Breadth of Capabilities”

Picus Enterprises helped me with a wide range of strategic issues, including an overall business strategy, clarifying my target markets, pricing, branding and creating an overall marketing plan. But equally important was the ability of Picus Enterprises to provide many of the deliverables identified in the overall project plan.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Owner of Nutritional Supplements Manufacturer

“Sound Advice and Quality Deliverables”

I have worked with Picus Enterprises for the past few months on several different projects, including marketing communications, computer systems and training. With each project I feel I have gotten sound advice and quality deliverables.  I feel like I have found a business partners who can make a real difference in my practice.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Elder Law Attorney

“Wealth of Expertise”

I was on a peer-to-peer business owners’ board for ten years when Richard was the facilitator. He helped me surmount several business challenges over those years:
(1) Helping me better manage my law firm, (2) Improving my marketing message and prospecting of potential clients,
(3) Improving corporate culture and employee accountability, and
(4) Helping me manage my time more wisely. Richard has a wealth of expertise beyond these issues. I enthusiastically recommend Richard Strautman as a business advisor and board facilitator

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Owner of Intellectual Property Law Firm