Transition Execution

Once the strategy and been selected and an transition plan defined, the final stage is the most important. The exit planner’s role shifts from primarily educational to that of project management.

Transitional plans are quite different, depending on the transition strategy selected. These different transitional plans might include:

  • Selling to another current owner.
  • Transitioning ownership and management to the next generation in the family or to other family members.
  • Creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).
  • Funding and implementing a leveraged Management Buyout.
  • Buying other companies to grow the current company in advance of selling.
  • Selling to a third party.
  • Merging with another company.
  • Recapitalizing the company, so that the owner can take out part of the equity in the company.
  • Building a strong management team, so that the owner can spend considerably less time in managing the company.

Each of these plan are quite different, require different expertise, have different timelines, and have different financing sources. Contact us today to see how we can help you identify your best strategy and create your own unique exit and transition plan.